Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood publicly announced its inevitable support of Joe Biden for President. In doing so, they cited his work with Obama in expanding abortion through the “Affordable Care Act”. And, of course, his 100% pro-abort record as a member of the US Senate was lauded by the group.
There’s not much news in talking about Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Biden. It has long been a matter of public record that Joe Biden abandoned his Christian principles for the applause of the mob. And, of course, Planned Parenthood has never had as bold an opponent as they have in President Donald J. Trump. They would endorse anyone challenging our current president.
We bring this endorsement to your attention because of a comment made in the press release by the acting president of Planned Parenthood: “This is literally a life and death election”.
Finally, we have some common ground with Planned Parenthood. The lives of tens of thousands of babies and their mothers could be at stake in this election; perhaps it is not too much to say that the next generation is at risk by the election of Joe Biden and his abortion cronies.
No president has done more for the pro-Life movement than Donald Trump. We desperately need him to be re-elected if we are to have any hope of ending this tragic and horrific regime of legalized abortion. God showed great mercy on America by allowing Trump to win in 2016. We pray that His mercy for our nation is not yet exhausted.