
Planned Parenthood Announces War Plans

Planned Parenthood, the beneficiary of billions in taxpayer funds over the last several decades, has announced that it is going to war against pro-Life Republicans. It plans to spend $45 million in key swing states.  It hopes to “mobilize” 5 million pro-abort voters in those states to defeat Donald Trump and others with a pro-Life conviction.

America’s leading abortion provider will focus on Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The group will focus on defeating Donald Trump in those states, as well as working to defeat pro-Life senators and congressmen.  They are already running ads against Sens. Martha McSally, Cory Gardner and Thom Tillis – all of whom are up for re-election this fall.

The organization’s leaders also boasted about having over forty lawsuits pending in courts around the country, challenging the work of pro-Life Legislatures. Idaho is one of those states, as Planned Parenthood is seeking to impose its will on the people of Idaho by overturning a law requiring that only licensed physicians can perform abortions.

Recent revelations demonstrate that Planned Parenthood is able to raise and spend that kind of political money because of the coerced generosity of American taxpayers. Last fiscal year (2018-19), it received $617 million in public funding, a 9% jump from the previous year.  It reports assets of over $2 billion.

One speaker at the Planned Parenthood press conference did manage to blurt out one glaring truth about their campaign, when she claimed that their efforts were “a matter of life and death”. Indeed.

Fox News quotes Catherine Glenn Foster of Americans United for Life as labeling Planned Parenthood “America’s deadliest non-profit”.  Their rabid commitment to destroying the innocent in the name of “liberty” more than proves that point.