
Idaho Delegation Files Brief With Supreme Court

Idaho’s congressional delegation joined 203 other members of Congress in signing on to an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in a critical pro-Life case.

The high court has agreed to review a case coming out of Louisiana involving a requirement by that state that any abortionist operating in Louisiana have admitting privileges at a local hospital. Planned Parenthood and their allies are trying to get the law declared “unconstitutional” because it places a burden on abortionists.  They want to shirk their duty to provide emergency care to women, and seek to slough off those hard cases on emergency room personnel working in Louisiana hospitals.

This is an issue which carries great import for every state – including Idaho. We have received testimony and pleas for help from Idaho doctors who object to being forced into caring for post-abortive patients.  Some believe this forces them into becoming an accomplice in Planned Parenthood’s abortion business.  Others simply object to being forced into providing treatment for women about whom they know little, and without the benefit of knowing the details of the abortion.

In Idaho, Planned Parenthood’s abortionist lives in Seattle and comes to town once a week to destroy the lives of preborn children. She then gets back on the plane, leaving area physicians to clean up any complications arising from the abortion.

The intervention by 207 members of Congress is unprecedented, and is a measure of the importance pro-Life leaders attach to the pending case.

We commend Sens. Crapo and Risch, as well as Congressmen Simpson and Fulcher for their leadership in this matter. Lives can be saved if the Supreme Court turns back Planned Parenthood’s perverse view of the U.S. Constitution.