
Fierce Battle for Life Being Waged in Congress

As the headlines continue to focus on “RussiaGate Hoax” – a profound battle for Life is underway in the U.S. Congress.

Democrats under Pelosi are waging a full-on assault on the pro-Life accomplishments of the Trump Administration:

This week, the Appropriations committee included language which would allow the District of Columbia to use taxpayer funds to pay for abortions-on-demand.

The full House approved appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health & Human Services and State & Foreign Operations this week as well. Buried within those spending bills are deeply disturbing pro-abortion policies:

  • Title X – the nefarious federal program to finance Planned Parenthood – would see an increase of $114 million in the next fiscal year, a bonanza of $400 million for America’s largest abortion provider.
  • The Conscience Protection Rule enacted by the Trump Administration would be repealed by the House language.
  • Trump’s program to promote abstinence would be defunded by House Democrats; instead, they would increase funding for another Planned Parenthood program (Teen Pregnancy Prevention – or TPP).
  • Congressional Democrats are also seeking to overturn President Trump’s Executive Order which again forbids federal tax dollars from flowing to international organizations that promote or perform abortion as a method of “family planning”. (Mexico City Policy).
  • To add salt in the wound – Democrats want to increase US funding of international “family planning” programs by a whopping $230 million.

These are grave threats to taxpayers and the Constitution’s protection of religious freedom under the First Amendment. They are also unmistakable demonstrations of the modern Democrat Party’s full-throated embrace of Planned Parenthood’s agenda.

God willing, the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate will reject these radical policies and fight to the end to defend the gains we have made through the leadership of President Trump. If they choose to stand tall and be counted as champions of life, there will no doubt be contentious and bloody fights later this year as cries mount to “keep the government open”.

We submit that a government driven by the dark agenda of Planned Parenthood is not one that deserves to “stay open”. The abuse of the Constitution and taxpayers must be stopped.  The lives of the next American generation depend upon it.