We now have Justice Kavanaugh. The nation has survived yet another bruising, nasty confirmation vote for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
It is difficult, at this point, to make a reasonable guess as to whether the nation will be stronger for having gone through this sordid process – or whether the glue that holds the body politic together in a republic has been made so brittle as to threaten civilized self-government in the decades ahead. But we know that the nation has been through worse, and survived.
We also know that the street brawl forced upon the nation over the past month or so had nothing to do with the immature social behavior of minors in high school. It was all about the possible threat to legalized abortion-on-demand. The Left concocted a plan to execute the character of Justice Kavanaugh because they determined that they could not possibly win by attacking his qualifications or judicial philosophy.
Despite the ugly tactics of the Soros-Planned Parenthood Lobby, we have much to be grateful for.
We can give thanks for the strength and character of President Trump. He is an extraordinary person. Most Republicans in his position would have found a way to dump Kavanaugh at the first sign of serious trouble. (Remember W’s pick of Harriet Miers?). His strength in exposing the Left and staring them down is truly remarkable. And let’s not forget the most fundamental fact: Thank the Lord we have a President Trump making these nominations to the high court, rather than Empress Hillary!
We must also gratefully acknowledge the courage and character of Brett Kavanaugh. Many people would have understandably folded under the pressure – especially the battering of his family. His finest moment may have come when he publicly declared that he would not be chased from the battlefield.
It remains to be seen how Kavanaugh will affect the Court. Honestly, it seems unlikely that we are on the verge of a new birth of protection for preborn Americans. But it may well be that the Supreme Court will cede more power back to the states to reign-in a lawless abortion industry. The foundations for over-turning Roe may be laid in the next few years.
Prayer for the president, the court and the nation are very much in order. The next great test of our Republic will come in November. Will America choose to reward Schumer and Pelosi with greater power? God forbid.