The street brawl is on. President Trump kept his promise to nominate a justice for the Supreme Court from his published list. That is a unique event in history. One could make the argument that Trump’s handling of his campaign and his transparency in telling the citizenry, beforehand, exactly who he would send to the Court gives him something of a public mandate here.
Of course, that makes little difference to the unhinged Left. Particularly its core Abortion Rights constituency.
We were hoping for a different nominee, to be honest. But the early reviews from national pro-Life groups indicate that Brett Kavanaugh is a very solid choice. The Family Research Council, Americans United for Life and Operation Rescue have all sent very strong signals of support in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s announcement. We have been in touch with one of the most respected pro-Life attorneys in the nation, Mr. Paul Linton, and he believes that Kavanaugh is likely to help form a new majority on the high court, one more sympathetic with the plight of preborn Americans. He also believes that Judge Kavanaugh will be difficult to defeat in the U.S. Senate.
We hope that at least a few Democrats will be willing to support Kavanaugh, because the numbers look a bit difficult. Republicans have a bare majority, given the continued refusal of John McCain to resign his Senate seat. And there are the two remaining pro-abort Republicans in the Senate – Collins and Murkowski to worry about.
Of course, Judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed by the Senate in a previous administration. It is hard to argue that a sitting appellate court judge is suddenly “unqualified” to be a justice on the high court. But, again, logic and reason are no obstacles to the NY Times or Planned Parenthood. They smell trouble and they will fight like cornered convicts in a prison riot gone bad.
Which brings us to an important topic – worthy of additional commentaries in the future: It would be a big mistake for the pro-Life community to leap to the conclusion that Kavanaugh’s confirmation will be the end of Roe. That may, for the first time, be a real possibility in coming years. But we will likely have to await another appointment. And the right case. We think it is much more reasonable to see the addition of a conservative to the court as opening up new possibilities for the states to become more aggressive in protecting the lives of preborn children. Important groundwork will have to be laid with the generations of Americans who have been taught to believe that killing a baby in the womb is a “right” – of no greater moral consequence than having a tumor removed.
We all must be in prayer for this nominee and his family. The pressure on him will certainly be immense.