
President Trump Declares Sanctity of Life Day

What an extraordinary development. On Monday, the President issued a proclamation honoring the pro-Life cause and the movement which has refused to accept the deranged morality of the Supreme Court.

President Trump was as clear about his pro-Life convictions as is he about most things: “Though the fight to protect life is not yet over, we commit to advocating each day for all who cannot speak for themselves.”

This is but another amazing development in the presidency of Donald Trump. He has indisputably established himself as the greatest pro-Life champion to occupy the White House in the Roe era.  What makes him so unique is that he is not simply supportive of one pro-Life law or another – he has established an Administration which advocates a pro-Life philosophy.  Trump is not willing to make a deal here or a concession here.  He wants his presidency to be pro-Life at every opportunity.

It is downright thrilling.

Trump does not merely respond to pressure from the Life Lobby to help with the new project for defending the innocent. He has identified himself as one our members, even a leader of the movement in his own right.  We just have never seen that kind of leadership before.

May the Lord continue to protect and guide him. And may the Congress get on the train and strengthen this historic moment.