
Much to be Grateful for in 2017

We’ve just heard news that a Planned Parenthood abortuary has closed in Iowa, after some twenty years of destroying countless lives. The move comes because the Iowa Legislature has redirected public health care dollars away from the nation’s largest abortion chain to bona fide health care providers.

This is just the latest in many pro-Life victories this year.

The assumption of the presidency by Donald Trump leads the list. Not only is he on pace to become the greatest pro-Life president in history – we must always judge his actions and leadership in the context of what might have been: President Hillary Clinton.

Our president has made substantial gains in defending Life: He has ended taxpayer funding for international abortions. He has created a policy at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services which officially acknowledges that human life begins at conception.

President Trump, in cooperation with the Republican Congress, has repealed the mandate forcing Americans to purchase health insurance – with its many Planned Parenthood subsidies.

We have also seen the President restore religious liberty protections by revising the rules imposed by Obama on private employers to pay for abortion causing drugs.

And toward the top of our gratitude list has to be the appointment and confirmation of conservative federal judges, which ought to provide some living space for conservative causes – most importantly, the pro-Life cause – for years to come.

There is much reason to give thanks to a Creator who still intervenes in the affairs of mankind.

With that grateful heart, we pray the Lord richly blesses you and your family in 2018. And may He lead us to even greater pro-Life victories in the year ahead.  It promises to be among the most challenging we have ever faced.