Reports surfaced this week that the Trump Administration is working on a revision of HHS rules which have proven to be a heavy burden on American employers. The ObamaCare Mandate to cover all forms of so-called “contraception” has been the subject of numerous lawsuits, most of which Obama lost.
There was the Hobby Lobby lawsuit, which made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The court upheld the religious liberty rights of Christian employers refusing to pay for abortion-causing drugs like the “Morning After Pill”.
Despite its legal setbacks, the Obama Administration defied the Supreme Court. It simply re-wrote the rules – feigning an attempt to “comply” all the while keeping its foot firmly planted on the necks of Christian employers.
The same strategy was employed in a related case involving Little Sisters of the Poor – a Catholic order of nuns required to buy and provide contraceptive coverage despite Catholic Church teachings opposed to the use of such birth control methods. Those poor people spent years battling Obama.
President Trump repeatedly criticized the Obama Administration during the campaign for its despotic approach to religious liberty concerns.
So it is very encouraging to see that Mr. Trump is following-through on promises made during the campaign to restore respect for the First Amendment. We will keep track of this issue as the revised rules make their way through the bureaucracy.
Freedom is making a comeback!