
Democrats Make It Official

The new Democrat national Chairman, Tom Perez, issued a statement this weekend, declaring his party’s support for abortion-on-demand is “non-negotiable”.

“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health. This is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”

The statement was intended to purge Democrat candidates with pro-Life sympathies from continuing to associate with the Democrat Party. A pretty strange electoral strategy for a chairman tasked with rebuilding the political party.  According to a report carried by Breitbart, Perez went on to promise that the Democrat Party would only support candidates who were pure in their commitment to Planned Parenthood and abortion “rights”.

To make matters even more emphatic, the Democrat Senate leader, Dick Durbin, backed Perez up.

These political leaders would tolerate people who held pro-Life views – but only if they were “personal” views. As in, you can think what you want, but you can only act in accordance with the immoral dicta of the Democrat National Committee.  And, as we now know beyond discussion, that organization is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Planned Parenthood, Inc.

So next year, when you see a Democrat running for office in Idaho, you can be certain that they have already made their blood oath to defend slaughtering innocent babies in the womb.