The Abortion Lobby in Colorado killed another bill this week aimed at making sure women and girls have vital information about their babies before undergoing abortion. The legislation would have required that women were given the option of seeing an ultrasound image of their babies. It would have also required that women were informed about alternatives to abortion – like adoption.
This is but a piece of an aggressive, permanent campaign waged by Planned Parenthood against laws designed to protect a patient’s right to make an informed decision about abortion.
Planned Parenthood has, for example, vigorously fought every single bill in the Idaho Legislature which helps protect informed consent rights for women over the past 20-plus years. When they lose in the Legislature, they often resort to lawsuits to keep women in the dark.
This kind of manipulation is vital to Planned Parenthood’s bottom-line: Women who know the development of a preborn baby are much less likely to choose abortion.
Planned Parenthood’s fanatical opposition to informed consent legislation seriously undermines their credibility as an advocate for women. Rather than trusting women to make decisions based upon sound science and facts, Planned Parenthood’s whole business model depends upon shielding women and girls from the truth – including her options and the risks of submitting to an abortion. This may be the only legal medical procedure in which full disclosure of the risks and consequences are not mandatory; and it is certainly the only segment of the medical industry shielded from standard malpractice safeguards.