
This Just Can’t be True …

A teenage girl in Omaha has been given probation after being found guilty of throwing her newborn baby out of a second story window. The baby died from blunt force trauma after smashing onto the sidewalk below.

Judge Christopher Kelly sentenced 16-year old Antonia Lopez to probation, 50 hours of community service and ordered her to stay off Facebook.

That’s it. A dead baby.  And no more Facebook.

Lopez’s defense attorney, according to the Omaha World-Herald, argued that her client didn’t plan on killing the newborn. But after throwing the just-delivered baby out of her bedroom window, Lopez went on Facebook pleading for friends to help her dispose of the body.

Can there be any doubt that this situation can only be explained by a reference to society’s tolerance of legalized abortion? Is there any other rational explanation for a court being so blind to the crying need for justice on behalf of this precious baby killed with such contemptuous brutality?  How else are we to understand a sentence which might be appropriate for habitual parking violations – not for the murder of an innocent baby?

This is just outrageous. And it is a graphic warning of the huge cost we are paying to maintain abortion “rights” in this nation.  Our medical, legal and judicial systems are daily being more corrupted in order to accommodate this heinous evil.