
United Methodists Back Away From Abortion Support

Delegates to United Methodist Church recently voted to repeal its official support of the Roe v. Wade decision inflicted upon the nation in 1973. In a related matter, the Protestant denomination also voted to end its association with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice – one of the most insidious front groups for Planned Parenthood in its mission to kill preborn children.

What makes this news even more encouraging is the fact that the United Methodist Church was an original co-founder of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. And there can be no doubt that this is a huge blow to Planned Parenthood.

The United Methodist Church claims some 12 million members in America and approximately 80 million around the world.

It is not clear from press reports how far the reform movement will go, or whether the group will actually move to a Gospel-inspired pro-Life position.

Some analysts credit the developments to the strong Christian orthodoxy of the denomination’s African membership.

But we know that the real mover is the Holy Spirit.