
Celebrating Fatherhood

As we celebrate fatherhood this weekend, we should note the marvel of God’s ordered universe. His gift of Life to mankind, the power to participate with Him in the actual creation of Life, is a wonder and power to be revered.  Too often in our culture, fatherhood is portrayed as a great burden to be escaped; more often fatherhood is belittled.  Yet the actual experience of humanity is that fatherhood is among God’s greatest gifts.

Children are the secret agents which help us to grow into real adulthood. From the outside, it appears that fatherhood is a matter of giving and sacrifice.  Certainly there is truth there.  But the more profound reality is that God uses children to lead us into a deeper life experience in which we are given opportunities to escape the bondage and limitations of self.

So, this weekend, let us celebrate what children give us – acknowledging that we owe them more than we can ever repay.

And let us pray for those fathers who have been denied the fruits of God’s gift because of abortion and all the false promises made by a deceived culture. May our heavenly Father bring those men healing.