Hours after the dastardly shoot-out in Colorado Springs ended, Planned Parenthood pounced to proclaim itself the victim of wanton violence. Marching on the Left’s maxim that no crisis should be wasted, the public relations teams at Planned Parenthood saw an opportunity to cynically turn the page on their public relations disaster by proclaiming that the violence at their abortuary was “inspired” by “hateful” rhetoric. Therefore, all pro-Lifers were to blame for the shootings.
On cue, their most powerful ally, Barack Obama, moved in to reinforce the message point. Then came insightful leaders like Sen. Harry Reid blabbing into DC microphones.
Pseudo reporters on networks like CNN and MSNBC have dutifully delivered the message that the crimes of Colorado Springs were the handiwork of those evil undercover agents at the Center for Medical Progress who shamefully recorded abortionists trading baby parts for Lamborghinis. How mean!
A few obvious things need to be stated.
First, the whole episode exposes the pathetic state of our national media. Not simply its blatant bias, but its complete lack of professionalism. There is virtually no evidence that the shooter in this incident had any ties whatsoever to any pro-Life cause or organization. The only thing we know for sure is that this man is deeply disturbed. But don’t complicate a good liberal storyline with facts.
Second, the basic message from Planned Parenthood is simple insanity. To blame its public relations problems on the Center for Medical Progress is like the crooked politicians recorded in the 1980’s ABSCAM scandal blaming the FBI for undermining the public’s trust in government.
The shootings in Colorado Springs do nothing to vindicate Planned Parenthood as an organization worthy of continued public funding; the incident does nothing to change the fact that Planned Parenthood is an evil enterprise which slaughters helpless babies for profit. And no matter how loudly the Abortion Empire proclaims its victimhood, they cannot erase the tapes of their employees trafficking in baby parts while slurping a fine red wine.