The new Speaker of the House is proceeding with plans to thoroughly investigate Planned Parenthood’s role in the national baby organ trafficking ring revealed over the summer. At first, Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi indicated that she would refuse to appoint Democrats to the panel. But she has changed her mind.
Pelosi announced last week that six Democrats would represent her party on the select investigation committee. Not too surprisingly, all six members are candidates with ties to Planned Parenthood. In fact, between them, the Democrat members have collected over $81,000 in campaign checks from Planned Parenthood’s PAC over the years.
It would seem unlikely, therefore, that these particular congressional members will be too energetic in looking at Planned Parenthood. Rather, we can expect that they are on the panel to undermine the investigation by any means necessary.
The Democrats appointed to panel are: Jan Schawkowsky of Illinois; Jerrold Nadler of New York; Diana DeGette of Colorado; Jackie Speier of California; Susan DelBene of Washington and Bonnie Coleman of New Jersey.
In a further demonstration of the present perversion of the Democratic Party, Pelosi has denounced the panel as the “Republican’s Select Committee to Attack Women’s Health”.
Honestly, in what perverse universe does the chopping up and trafficking in babies have anything to do women? Or even abortion? The Select Committee is not charged with investigating abortion or abortion rights. It is tasked with looking at Planned Parenthood’s horrific side business, whereby it obtains additional profits by treating human babies as mere commodities.
One would think that there are enough Democrats left with a moral code strong enough to find such practices abhorrent and unacceptable in a nation like the United States. Perhaps we will yet see such persons stand up in coming months. But it is already clear that Leader Pelosi will once again use her power to protect the terribly guilty.