
New Abortion Industry Videos Emerge

Despite the best efforts of federal courts and the Abortion Industry, free speech lives in America. More video files have emerged this week documenting the callous and unethical practices of Planned Parenthood and other abortionists.  Among other horrible revelations, it is indisputable from the new videos that the Abortion Industry is profiting handsomely from the sale of baby organs and tissue.

Hours and hours of video tapes were reportedly recorded at a national convention of abortionists sponsored by the National Abortion Federation this past summer. Numerous conversations were recorded about baby parts trafficking.  Realizing that the whole industry was about to be exposed, the organization sought a court order from a federal judge to prohibit the Center for Medical Progress from publicly releasing the recordings.  And, despite the First Amendment, a federal judge has happily slapped a gag order on the Center for Medical Progress.

However, several committees in Congress have obtained copies of those video recordings. Someone on the staff apparently made those censored videos available to various websites.  Now the public has a chance to witness how deeply integrated organ trafficking has become with the practice of abortion.

You can watch the new videos for yourself: