
In a rational world …

This story would be frontpage everywhere. But we don’t live in a world of reason, but of corrupted politics and growing hedonism.

Newspapers, television stations, schools and even baseball teams pay annual homage to “beating breast cancer”, raising millions of dollars to support outfits like Komen. But instead of racing to find a cure for breast cancer – how about we take note of science which gives us some big clues about how to avoid breast cancer in the first place?

The American College of Pediatrics has issued such a call to action – by highlighting a substantial body of scientific research demonstrating that there is a causal linkage between breast cancer and abortion. The group calls attention to a recent study by Dr. Rebecca Johnson, as well as mega studies in China, Romania and India demonstrating that breast cancer epidemics are directly related to increasing rates of abortion.  In fact, there are now something like 57 studies, including at least one by the World Health Organization, demonstrating a linkage between abortion and breast cancer.

Solid research also demonstrates that the more abortions a woman undergoes, the greater the risk of developing breast cancer.

You ask how? What does abortion have to do breast cancer?

Dr. Jane Anderson, one of the Board members of the American College of Pediatricians, explained to Breitbart News last week:

“Induced abortion, prior to 32 weeks’ gestation, increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer, especially if that abortion occurs before a woman has experienced a full term pregnancy. Increased estrogen levels in early pregnancy prepare the breasts for breast-feeding; milk producing cells multiply rapidly. In an abortion, these calls are, in a sense, left in a state of suspended animation, ready to rapidly proliferate. Those cells are highly susceptible to carcinogens.”

Dr. Anderson also explained that a full-term pregnancy means breast cells are allowed to naturally mature, making them resistant to cancer over the course of a woman’s life.

But, of course, this is not revolutionary news. We have written in this column many times about this scientific research – and bemoaned the cruel and evil conspiracy to hide this information from women and girls because it threatens the profits of Planned Parenthood and the corrupted form of feminism they peddle.

In a rational world, we’d be racing to reduce the risks of breast cancer instead of soullessly demanding that more women are sacrificed on the altar of a deadly ideology.