Following the House hearing on our legislation to regulate chemical abortions in Idaho, headlines went out across America that a legislator on the panel needed instruction about female anatomy from a witness for Planned Parenthood. Ridicule ensued.
This became the public narrative of the 3-hour hearing – not the demeaning and sleazy practices of Planned Parenthood in treating sometimes-desperate women and girls who come to them for help.
Rep. Vito Barbieri certainly did not need lessons in biology from the witness. What he needed, what he was after, was an admission that killing a preborn child was not in any way similar to the various “tele-med” procedures the witness described to the panel in dismissing our concerns.
The witness evaded Rep. Barbieri’s question by offering a sarcastic response.
And suddenly the Left had the narrative they were after: A story largely concocted by the liberal feminists covering Idaho politics and driven by their desire to protect the Abortion Industry at all costs.
These activist-reporters do not want you to know what we learned in the hearing: That RU-486 kills the baby in the first stages of life by depriving it of food, water and oxygen.
These “news” outlets do not want you to know that women have died at the hands of abortionists who refuse to follow the protocols established by the FDA because they might be inconvenient or more expensive.
And they don’t want your neighbors to learn that many women and girls suffer profound trauma when they find their dead baby on the bathroom floor after being told that the life growing inside them was not really human, not really a baby. It is so much better to distract readers by creating a narrative which allows them to bully righteous legislators like Rep. Barbieri into silence. Their story carries a warning to other leaders: mess with the Abortion Industry at your own peril.
The battle with Planned Parenthood and its allies in the state media is nasty business. We ask for your prayers on behalf of those courageous leaders, like Vito Barbieri, who choose to use their public office to defend the innocent.