
Of opportunistic politicians …

Democrat Congressman Tim Ryan (Ohio) publicly announced this week that he is “repenting” of his former pro-Life views to embrace a woman’s right to kill her own baby. At one time, this man served on the Board of Democrats for Life; but he has not cast a single pro-Life vote since 2009.

In blog postings, Ryan claims that his reversal on the fundamental question of our time was brought about by conversations with women who had chosen abortion: “These women gave me a better understanding of how complex and difficult certain situations can become. And while there are people of good conscience on both sides of this argument, one thing has become abundantly clear to me – the heavy hand of government must not make this decision for women and families.”

Pro-Life leaders in Ohio have a slightly different view of Ryan’s flip-flop. They believe he is preparing to challenge Republican Senator Rob Portman. To mount such challenge, he will need the backing of the Washington, D.C. power brokers. That means being a loyal soldier for the Death Merchants at Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee. 

Such bold self-seeking is nothing new for politicians, of course. Remember the sickening display by former Florida governor Charlie Crist?

And what of Democrat ‘leader’ Harry Reid? As a member of the LDS Church, Reid has often claimed that he is “pro-Life”. Yet he is now busily raising money for his leadership PAC with a letter describing Congressman Franks’ legislation to ban abortions after 20 weeks “our worst nightmare”.

He declares Trent Franks to be a “Republican extremist”, and his late term abortion ban as nothing more than “an attack on life-saving women’s care”. (Don’t try confusing Reid with the fact that Frank’s legislation includes exceptions to save a mother’s life if threatened by a pregnancy).

What is on national display is not just a callous disregard for the most vulnerable among us. We are looking at shameless, self-centered people clawing for power and personal prestige – without a care in the world for the lives they would gladly forfeit in exchange. It is truly revolting.