
Passing Another Tragic Mile Marker

Today marks the 42nd anniversary of legalized abortion in the United States, following an edict by a Supreme Court corrupted by a “progressive” ideology. So how much progress have we made over the last generation?

The closest “official” toll of destroyed lives comes from the Guttmacher Institute – an arm of Planned Parenthood. They report annual figures which the government is too lazy or embarrassed to collect. Based upon the Abortion Industry’s numbers, 57,762,169 babies have been destroyed in the womb.

All those commas add up to something close to 58 million deaths.

But that staggering figure grossly underestimates the piles and mounds of the dead. It does not include the millions destroyed via chemicals – like RU-486 or the “Morning After Pill” or Ella. The truth is, we don’t know really know how many lives have been snuffed out in the Roe era.   Only the Maker of mankind has a true count, and you may be sure that He knows the name and promise of each one of those little ones.

You may also be sure that a reckoning will come for this nation. In fact, there are signs all around us of God’s increasing judgment stemming from this great national sin.

It would take a large book to catalog the entire price tag we are paying to support abortion. But we’ll take a moment to consider some of the more obvious ones 

America is experiencing a declining economic strength, based upon an aging population and smaller workforce. We are witnessing the destruction of the nuclear family and catastrophic divorce rates. We are seeing a clergy compromised by accommodations with abortion. And we are being ruled by a class of national political leaders with considerably less stature and wisdom than in previous generations.

But it is the pain of abortion on an individual, personal basis which is the hardest to measure or even fully discuss: The women who spend a lifetime trying to convince themselves that the grief is not real; the children who will know no siblings. The men who have been deprived of fatherhood. And what of the elderly with homes empty of grandchildren?

Yes, there is much to ponder and weep over as we pass yet another mile marker.

May God bring us to repentance.