
Abortion the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards has a thought about the perfect Valentine’s gift: buy your girlfriend an abortion.

After all, what could be more thoughtful? For only $300 – $500, a girl could have a lifetime of kind returns: It carries a lifetime of guilt and remorse, long after the boyfriend has moved along to greener pastures.

LifeNews reports on a web video Planned Parenthood has produced, with their president holding a heart. Inside the heart is an inscription: “What Women Need for Valentine’s Day: Safe + Legal Abortion”.

The organization is infamous for abusing holidays to spread their message of casual death for preborn children, so this is certainly nothing new. It is not even the most outrageous. (Their blasphemy during the Christmas Season cannot be measured).

Nevertheless, the contempt for women and girls on display is very disturbing. Even more troubling is their trivialization of the destruction of another innocent human being.