Idaho’s two congressmen, Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson, voted with the majority yesterday to end Obama’s secret subsidy of elective abortions under his health care scheme. HR 7 passed by a vote of 227 to 188. 187 Democrats and one Republican opposed the measure to strictly prohibit any taxpayer funding of elective abortions under ObamaCare.
The legislation is a post-hoc fix which became necessary when the Democratic majority in the Senate, along with President Obama, opposed amendments to ObamaCare which would strictly apply the Hyde Amendment to ObamaCare.
According to LifeNews, the Kaiser Foundation recently published a report estimating that over 6 million abortions will be paid for through Medicaid expansion and federal premium subsidies under ObamaCare.
This is in addition to the serious problem of “contraceptive” coverage already discussed by Idaho Chooses Life in a press release last week. Information came to light last fall confirming that Idaho’s Insurance Exchange is selling insurance plans which provide abortion-causing drugs like Ella and the “Morning After Pill”. As pointed out by several pro-Life organizations, this seems to violate Idaho law. Our news release has gone largely unnoticed by the state’s media, and we are unaware of any Idaho politician being forced to comment on the disturbing revelation.
The actions by Idaho’s Congressmen to end publicly-financed abortions will probably remain symbolic, however, since the legislation is expected to die a quiet death in the U.S. Senate.