
ObamaCare Ads Promote Casual Sex

There is quite an internet buzz going on about a new ad campaign aimed at young women under the banner, “got insurance?”

The text of the ad copy blatantly promotes premarital sex under the guise of urging young women to purchase an ObamaCare plan. Now that Obama has decreed that every young woman is entitled to “free” contraceptives – young libertines are loosed to pursue free sexual encounters as well.

Some will argue that this campaign is something of a weird aberration, certainly not central to ObamaCare. They are wrong.

The objective of ObamaCare is not improving health care. It is certainly not to provide insurance coverage to the uninsured. The central objective of ObamaCare is to remake American society. One key component of that agenda is to further degrade the sexual ethics of young Americans.

The federal government has long been involved in legitimizing premature sexual activity, but this ad campaign takes things to a whole new level.

Check it out for yourself, then spend some time in prayer for the nation’s future.