
Rush Limbaugh Bemoans America’s Chemical War Against Children

The Dean of the Conservative Movement in America took time on his show this morning to challenge the prevailing humanitarian superiority of Obama’s Administration following the presidential address last night to the nation. President Obama rightly called upon America’s attention to the outrage of a government using chemical weapons against civilians – including children.

But Limbaugh pointed to Obama’s stark hypocrisy on the use of chemical weapons by recalling the permanent American war against babies in the womb, largely financed by unwilling taxpayers. Millions of America babies are killed each year through the use of chemical weapons in the form of RU-486 and the “Morning After Pill”; yet few voices of outrage are raised in alarm.

(Where is Senator Huff & Puff – a.k.a., John McCain – on this issue of huge moral import?)

Perhaps the difference is that we don’t have handy pictures of those American babies, bundled in piles for the world to see.

It is too easy to turn away from the American slaughter of the innocent. They pass silently and privately into death, shrouded by a conspiracy so that we don’t have to confront our own holocaust.

Please read Limbaugh’s powerful commentary for yourself.