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Friday, January 08, 2010

Medical Skeptic Admits Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer issued a press release this week highlighting new research corroborating the linkage between abortion history and breast cancer. While the corporate media has failed, again, to inform women of the research – it is highly significant that the research comes from Louise Brinton, a researcher with the National Cancer Institute. Perhaps most important is the fact that Brinton has been among those denying such cause-and-effect in previously published research.

Brinton organized a 2003 NCI workshop designed to debunk the science showing a link between abortion and breast cancer.

This is no casual oversight by the media and medical establishment: Her research paper was published in April of 2009.

“Although the study was published nine months ago,” said Coalition President Karen Malec, “the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen and other cancer fundraising businesses have made no efforts to reduce breast cancer rates by issuing nationwide warnings to women.”

Malec could have included a chastisement of groups like Planned Parenthood – who purport to be champions of women health while making millions over future misery.

The study by Brinton and Jessica Dolle also found that girls who start taking oral contraceptives before age 18 multiply their risk of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a particularly deadly form of the disease, by some 370%.

This continuing conspiracy to tell women the deadly truth about abortion is disturbing on so many levels. But it confirms the Biblical principle that death begets more death. It also proves that the pro-Life movement is not just pro-baby – but pro-woman as well.

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