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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Adult Stem Cell Research 4th Biggest Discovery of Decade

Russell Turnbull lost sight in one eye in 1994 after intervening in a fight aboard a public bus. One of the thugs was squirting ammonia at passengers – some of which burned Turnbull’s cornea. Using stem cells from his healthy eye, doctors in England were recently able to repair his damaged one and restore sight.

That story is just one of the miracles associated with developments in adult stem cell research and therapy. The growing list of successful experiments associated with reprogramming adult stem cells led Discover Magazine to declare this area of medicine the 4th most important scientific discovery of the past decade.

Meanwhile, no effective therapy has yet to be produced from human embryo research – despite expanded funding by the Obama Administration.

In Ireland the pro-Life movement is pushing for legal protections of human embryos after the country’s Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are not safeguarded by the Irish Constitution, which expressly acknowledges the preborn child’s right to life.

Dr. Berry Kiely is quoted as saying that, “The human embryo is not potential life – it is human life with potential. Each one of us passed through this early stage of life on our way to birth.”

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