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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Senate Democrats Keep Abortion Funding

The U.S. Senate took up the Senate version of the Stupak amendment – prohibiting the use of federal tax dollars to pay for abortions – on Tuesday. It was sponsored by Democrat senators Nelson and Casey, along with Utah’s Republican Orin Hatch.

Sadly, the language to protect the conscience rights of American taxpayers was defeated on a 45-54 vote.

38 Republicans, including Idaho’s Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, supported the pro-Life amendment. They were joined by 7 Democrats.

2 Republicans supported the coercion of taxpayers – Collins and Snow, both from Maine – along with 51 Democrats. Senator Lieberman joined them in supporting to expand abortion, despite his Orthodox Jewish faith.

Plenty of punditry has been expended in the days since trying to divine the future of abortion funding as well as the fate of ObamaCare itself. Some are convinced that the last battle over abortion expansion has yet to be waged, since the Senate and House versions of ObamaCare are so widely different. Other observers have begun to speculate that there will be no conference committee at all; rather, Democrat leaders will simply ask the House to support the final Senate version in a final up-or-down vote before New Year’s Eve. This latter strategy would mean pro-Life Democrats in the House would be forced into abandoning the Stupak language, for which so much blood has already been spilt.

But will they do it?

Conscience is among the most important gifts we’ve been given by the Creator – yet, in politics, it is the thing most easily compromised. Already we see signs that Sen. Ben Nelson is wobbling around after losing his amendment; one press story has him saying that he’s not sure whether he will oppose final passage of ObamaCare now that it will certainly include massive abortion funding.

From what we’ve seen so far, it appears that pro-Life Democrats in the House are made of sterner stuff. Yet it is not too early to begin a serious prayer effort on behalf of Rep. Stupak and others who will face tremendous pressure to abandon preborn children for the sake of Obama’s dangerous political ambitions.

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