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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Green is the New Red

As global celebrities continue to kibitz in Copenhagen about various schemes to “save the planet”, it would be well to pay attention to the underlying connection between the green movement, socialism and the abortion lobby.

China has taken advantage of the summit to justify its forced abortion policies, arguing that its elimination of some 400 million babies is among civilization’s greatest contributions to preserving the planet’s eco-health. By doing so it has exposed the dark anti-life agenda driving many environmental activists. Lest you think that China is some isolated anti-human voice, take note of the fact that the British government has long advocated similar views. And just last week, a Canadian paper published an editorial entitled, “The Real Inconvenient Truth”.

The radical premise of the Financial Post editorial is that “a planetary law, such as China’s one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate….” For that writer, the big question is not whether the planet is warming or cooling – but the simple fact that there are too many humans.

This anti-human agenda is not operating only on the global scale: In our beloved Idaho, we are aware of a very close working relationship between the League of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood of Idaho.

Charles Krauthammer – one of America’s most incisive commentators – published a piece in the National Review entitled, “The New Socialism”. He, too, has observed the destructive, even totalitarian, impulses driving the modern environmental movement. His focus is not so much on the abortion lobby connection as it is on the fact that the current green movement has been taken over by old-school socialists who see it as a cynical cover story to achieve their long-sought ends: The destruction of capitalistic freedom and redistribution of wealth on a global scale.

Any reasonable person knows that we have a personal and corporate responsibility to care for creation, to be good stewards of the resources God has provided us. Yet we must be wise about the evil agenda driving today’s green movement, and resist its intentions to rob of us freedom – indeed, to rob us of life itself.
Sadly, it appears that it is already too late to save "Mother Earth". On October 19th, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared to the BBC that he and Al Gore had just 50 days to save the earth from global warming. The doomsday clock expired on December 8th with nary a note from the world's press. (Perhaps they decided there was no point in creating public hysteria). We urge our readers to celebrate this Christmas Season with great gusto - as it will, apparently, be our last.

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