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Thursday, November 12, 2009

You Won't Believe This

Threats of sending people to jail if they don’t submit to the federal government’s power grab; cuts in services for seniors; tax hikes for employers, exploding federal deficits – all of these gifts are being shoved upon us by the Liberals controlling Washington in their quest to expand health coverage.

But on the way to taking control of another huge chunk of the American economy, the Liberals apparently forgot to ask – will our bill lower insurance premiums for working Americans?

During the campaign, Barack Obama was habitual in telling voters that he had a plan to lower insurance by $2500 per year. No doubt some believed him. But that was all just happy talk. Now that he is president and cheerleader-in-chief for health care overhaul, no such forecasts are coming from the White House.

In fact, according to a story on Politico.Com yesterday, none of the Democrat leaders has even asked the question about ObamaCare’s impact on insurance premiums – the data point of most concern to working families. No studies have been conducted in Congress to even guesstimate the impact ObamaCare would have on premiums.

According to the story, about 170 million Americans receive insurance through their employers. Under the Pelosi-Obama plan, these folks – you and I – would receive no financial assistance. Our job, apparently, is just to pay more in federal taxes and higher insurance premiums, year –after-year. (Or, to quote a pundit - Our job in ObamaLand is to shut up and sit down).

This staggering oversight says everything you need to know about the folks running DC these days. They could not care less about the working middle class.

Read the unbelievable details for yourself:

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