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Friday, September 11, 2009

The Truth Is Out There

With all the speeches, commercials and op-ed pieces, no doubt many Americans are confused about just how dangerous ObamaCare will turn out to be. After all, at some important level it really is hard to believe that the left-wing machine controlling Washington would really deny treatment to the elderly and infirm or re-direct “health care” dollars into killing babies.

Be encouraged. As Fox Moulder might say when facing similarly weird circumstances, “The truth is out there”.

This leftist plan to take over health care is not experimental: It may be a new concept for Americans – but Canada and Europe have long ago swallowed the blue pill. We can look at those nations to see how government-controlled health care really works.

Just two days ago, an outrageous story surfaced from England which coldly demonstrates the inherent evil of such a system. Miss Sara Capewell gave birth to a premature son in a government controlled hospital. When doctors learned that her baby was just 21 weeks old, they refused him any medical care.

His mother begged doctors to help the tiny baby – who was able to breathe on his own and was born with a strong heartbeat. But the doctors refused to admit him to the special care baby unit because government guidelines forbid medical care for babies born before 23 weeks’ gestation.
The government guidelines advise doctors that medical care for premature babies is “not in the best interests of the baby” and is not “standard practice”.

Little Jayden died in his mother’s arms some two hours after birth.

Welcome to the future.

President Obama took some denigrating shots at Sarah Palin the other night, but the truth is, Mrs. Palin is due some real credit for forcing America to face some very uncomfortable truths about ObamaCare.

Mrs. Palin authored a guest opinion for the Wall Street Journal this week entitled, “Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care”. In her piece she warns, “Common sense tells us that government’s attempts to solve large problems often create new ones.” Indeed.

Palin specifically challenges us to consider the ramifications of Obama’s proposal to cut “waste” from the Medicare program – through creation of an “Independent Medicare Advisory Council”. This unelected council of bureaucrats would work outside “normal political channels” to develop new guidelines for the treatment of the elderly and infirm. (And, we should correctly understand Obama’s "new-speak" to mean that these bureaucrats would be protected from citizens’ outrage and public accountability; put another way - this council will protect your congressman from responsibility when you call his office begging for your mother's life).

And how will these bureaucrats identify medical treatments or practices which are “wasteful”? Palin quotes from an interview Mr. Obama gave the New York Times in April of this year, in which he specifically stated that this council would focus on containing the biggest problem – that “huge driver of cost… the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives….”

Mr. Obama would have easily added the "wasteful cost" of treating premature babies to his list.

We know that Obama, Pelosi and their army of policy czars have long shunned the principle that all human life is priceless. Therefore, the only standard by which government will judge the value of a human life is utilitarian. Human beings who fit into the right bureaucratic grid will probably receive reasonable health care under the new system; but for those who do not – the picture is grim. It is likely they will be told their greatest social contribution is to be made through accepting a quiet death.

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