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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Republicans Set the Stage for ObamaCare

We have repeatedly written about the tremendous financial and moral threats posed by the Democrat’s plan to nationalize health care. A wide range of analysis is available online for American patriots committed to protecting our nation from a certain and unfixable disaster.

There is, for example, an article on the Weekly Standard website – “ObamaCare: It’s Worse Than You Think”. Authors James Capretta and Yuval Levin point out that public opposition is building because of the cost and certainty of government’s rationing of services. But they believe that these two critical flaws are much worse than critics have grasped. Their analysis is that the Obama-Pelosi Plan contains massive hidden costs through its premium subsidy program. Over time, this black fiscal hole is almost guaranteed to swallow federal and state budgets.

Chuck Colson offers another analysis. His recent column, “Quality Control: Who Lives, Who Dies?” is a chilling read. One of America’s darkest thinkers, Princeton philosopher Peter Singer argues in a New York Times essay that it is important for America to accept a more utilitarian view of health care management. In his world, it is obvious that society should be prepared to spend more money on an 18 year old than on a person in their 80’s. He advocates a system called, “quality-adjusted-life-year”, in which handicaps and health conditions can be taken into account to determine the “objective” value of a person’s life. A person with quadriplegia, for example, has a life worth half of someone without that disability. He expressly forbids taking into account life issues like whether a person has children because that could cause the mischief of “subjectivity” in evaluating whether resources should be expended in caring for a person.

Colson correctly points out that the only antidote to such utilitarian logic is a belief in the value of human life because we are made in God’s image. No God – no barrier to the reemergence of a Nazi value system here and elsewhere.

This is but a brief discussion of the dire threat posed to our great nation by President Obama’s deadly prescription. Republican politicians are beginning to rally to the opposition created by sane, grassroots Americans. That is fine. But we ought not let them off the hook just because they see a political advantage in attacking Pelosi’s socialism.

Sen. John McCain did an interview last night with Sean Hannity. He astutely listed many of the dangerous problems present in ObamaCare. McCain observed that America does not have a problem with quality – the health care crisis is one of cost. It was nice to hear a note of sanity – but then the political dribble overwhelmed his insight. McCain claimed that Republicans “have a plan” for bringing down those costs through “reform”, particularly by protecting doctors from frivolous lawsuits.

With all due respect – that is just hooey.

Republicans had years under President Bush to deal with outrageous price gouging by the health care and insurance industries. For decades, the costs of insurance inflation have exceeded the rate of inflation by 3, 4, 5 times. According to a 2008 Statesman article, the cost of medical insurance for Idaho families increased by some 73% over just 5 years (2000-2005). Not a single Idaho or national political leader has offered a coherent justification for this kind of staggering rise in insurance costs – which offer diminishing financial protections for working families.

The tired Republican blather has been to point at the Bogey Man – those evil Trial Lawyers.

More hooey.

We are not here to defend trial lawyers (especially their politics). The point is simply this: American families are hurting because of the patent greed of the Medical-Insurance Cabal which has us by the throat. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or Harvard Business School graduate to understand that somebody (a lot of somebodies, actually) is making a ton of money. We are simply losing our ability to keep feeding the insatiable beast.

Pain and panic drove many Americans to support Obama last fall – and the dynamic is still fueling Congressional action. If Pelosi and Company succeed at destroying America through their horrible health care prescription, Republicans like McCain will deserve a great deal of the blame. They have failed for years to produce rational and effective reform of the health care financing system; and it may just be too late now.

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