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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama's AG Wants New Hate Crimes for Pro-Lifers

Attorney General Eric Holder told a group of liberal lawyers last week that he thinks it is time for Congress to enact new, broader “Hate Crimes” legislation to “stop violence masquerading as political activism”.

As justification for a grand expansion of his powers, Holder pointed to the killing of notorious abortionist George Tiller.

According to the Kansas Star-Telegram, Holder said that to stop such violence, Congress should pass updated “hate-crimes” legislation to more effectively prosecute those accused of committing violent attacks based on gender, disability or sexual orientation.

It is certainly not obvious how the killing of Tiller qualifies as a “hate crime” motivated by “gender or disability or sexual orientation.” We can assume that the perpetrator did, in fact, hold hatred in his heart for George Tiller; it is reasonable to further assume that most killers hold intense animosity toward their victims.

But back to Holder’s call for legislation: The murderer of Tiller apparently did so because Tiller made millions slaying innocent children in the womb, (or partially out of their mother’s womb) – not because he was a male. While Tiller suffered from a profound moral disability, we have never heard anyone proposing special protections for people of blackened conscience. And, we can safely assume that Tiller was not a practicing homosexual or transvestite – since he was married and had children.

So how could Holder’s power grab possibly remedy the rare act of violence against an abortion provider?

One anticipates that Holder will propose to Congress that criminal violence against an abortion provider is, by definition, an act of gender discrimination because the abortionist practices his death art on women. So, even white, heterosexual males of reasonable intelligence and ability will garner special protections under Holder’s plan because of the gender of their clients.

This takes the concept of “hate crimes” to a new level of absurdity. The notion itself is, at its core, disturbing because it punishes people not for what they did, but for what they think. That puts judges in the position of playing God – a sorry swipe at justice. But this new initiative by the nation’s highest law enforcement officer is scary stuff. Holder reveals himself as a poorly trained lawyer with a brazen ideological and personal agenda.

It does not take much imagination or paranoia to see Holder expanding his tortured definitions of "hate" and "discrimination" at some point to include even peaceful actions aimed at ending abortion.

Let us see what Pelosi’s Congress does with this diabolical proposal.

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