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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama to Expand Death Culture Through "Health Care"

National Right to Life columnist Dave Andrusko published an important piece last week on the cold agenda underlying President Obama’s drive for “universal health coverage”. By creating a federalized system of health care, the leftists running the White House believe they can achieve their golden dream of “mainstreaming abortion”.

Through federal rules and a bureaucracy marshaled by flaming abortion fan Kathleen Sebelius, the Obama Administration intends to impose abortion on every corner, fold and laboratory of the health care system. They hope to make abortion coverage mandatory and accessible in every community, paid for by American taxpayers.

Andrusko quotes Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards as outlining the true health care agenda:

I think the big picture is how do we make sure all women and families, regardless of their income, can get access to the full range of health care options, and I think health care reform is going to provide a platform for doing that.”

Her bold statement allows us to put various Obama initiatives into their proper perspective. For example, Obama’s attack on conscience protections is a vital step toward making sure that abortion is available on demand, regardless of income or location.

As we have observed in previous columns, abortion is only one chapter of Obama’s “Book of the Dead” being written for us. His health care agenda poses an equally lethal threat to older and disabled Americans who will soon face rationed treatment as a means to “controlling run-away costs”. Those outlandish costs, of course, will be the direct and inevitable result of the government’s take-over of our health care system.

What makes this all the more outrageous is that average Americans will get precious few opportunities to make their opposition felt. Like most of his radical agenda, President Obama and his allies in Congress are moving with lightning speed by circumventing the historical legislative process. The social engineers now in charge of the White House will certainly not risk a repeat of Hillary Clinton’s health care meltdown. They will not allow congressional hearings and oversight – our best opportunity for effective opposition.

This impending health care disaster may be the single most destructive act by President Obama in his entire term. The only greater crime will have been committed by members of Congress, who have abdicated their constitutional duty to scrutinize the demands of an ideologically-obsessed Executive Branch.

Our Fouding Fathers blessed us with a system of government in which there were three operational branches of government, checking, balancing and scrutinizing one another - regardless of party. At least for the time being, we seem to have just one.

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