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Sunday, May 31, 2009

A National Tragedy

In a dramatic turn of events, notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller has been murdered today in Wichita. As of this writing, there was no information available as to who wielded the gun outside a church at which Tiller served as usher.

Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, who spent much of his career working to hold Tiller accountable for running the country’s largest late-term abortion mill, issued a statement:

I am stunned by this lawless and violent act, which must be condemned and should be met with the full force of law. We join in lifting prayer that God’s grace and presence rest with Dr. Tiller’s family and friends.”

We join Mr. Kline in those sentiments.

While Tiller may have become the personification of evil, this crime was not justice. It is true that tens of thousands of babies died at his hands, but they did so largely within a legal framework created by our society as a whole. Tiller was merely the knife-wielding agent of death. We all share in the guilt of his heinous practice.

And that is why this killing will become a national tragedy. In the hands of a malicious media and skilled propagandists within the Abortion Lobby, the entire pro-Life movement will be tainted by this violence. Of immediate concern is the impact it will have on national policy.

Over the past couple of months, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano was deservedly marginalized for publishing propaganda in the guise of “security alerts” – suggesting that the pro-Life movement was a breeding ground for “domestic terrorists” as dangerous as Al Qaeda. Now her defenders will use this event to dress her up as rational, even prophetic. More importantly, they will boldly use this killing as vindication of their plans to strangle public debate and opposition to socially-sanctioned abortion.

We ask for your prayers on behalf of the Tiller family and for the nation as a whole as we continue to reap the whirlwind of the violence we are sowing in the womb.

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