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Friday, February 06, 2009

The Depths to Which Abortion Has Brought Us

The horrific murder of a newborn baby in Florida provides us, should we have the moral courage, with an opportunity to look our Abortion Holocaust full in the face.

A young woman, 23 weeks along in her pregnancy, decided to kill her baby via abortion. She arranged an appointment with a Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique. But on the day of her scheduled abortion, the mother went into labor in the waiting room and delivered the baby girl.

One of the abortuary owners, not a doctor herself, rushed to cut the umbilical cord and knocked the newborn onto the floor. The baby began bleeding to death through the open cord. As the mother watched, the female owner then collected the baby and afterbirth into a biohazard bag and threw her out in the trash.

The AP story ( purports that everyone on both sides of the abortion issue are wringing their hands in horror at this terrible turn of events. But let’s tell some truth here.

First, state officials have been “investigating” the incident since getting an anonymous tip some 2 ½ years ago – a week after the baby was killed. An autopsy demonstrated that the baby girl had air in her lungs, which is generally the crucial fact in determining whether or not a “live birth” occurred. And, yet, no criminal charges have been filed.

In fact, we would probably know nothing about this horror if it were not the subject of a civil lawsuit filed by the mother.

That, my friends, is the purest form of chutzpah. The woman should be charged as an accomplice to murder: She witnessed the crime and never notified authorities – not then, not ever. No ambulance was called, no policeman, nothing. But all you abortion promoters out there needn’t worry. No one will be charged with the cruel destruction of this innocent baby girl, despite the fact that a federal law (The Born Alive Infants Protection Act) was passed to address just this horror. The abortionist, who wasn’t even on hand, may have his license suspended at some point; and the mother will almost certainly cash in on her role in aiding in the baby’s murder, by now playing the victim.

And that, as they say, will be that.

But this situation provides us all with an opportunity to grapple with the barbarity to which we have sunk as a society; moral corruption has been mainstreamed.

Look at the cowardice of our law enforcement system! Attorneys who hold the public trust to uphold the law cannot force themselves to bring criminal charges a five-year-old could discern. See the coldness of conscience which allows a mother to sue for her “pain and suffering”, while avoiding any responsibility for her role in silently watching as her baby is murdered and thrown away like trash.

What a terrible price Roe v. Wade has exacted from us all.

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