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Friday, February 20, 2009

The Self-Centeredness of the "Pro-Choice" Movement

A story out of Mexico highlights both the dangers of President Obama’s support for abortion in foreign countries and the extraordinary self-centeredness of his “pro-choice” movement.

Amnesty International held several protests last week in Mexico City, demanding that the government force doctors to perform abortions and provide “emergency contraception”, regardless of their personal moral or religious objections. The left-wing group has been working hard since at least 2007 to persuade whoever will listen that abortion is a fundamental, international, human right. The protesters claim that the Mexican government is violating international treaties by not coercing doctors to participate in abortions.

There are more than ironies to be mined here.

First, please note that these are the international politics which the Obama Administration is financing with our tax dollars. Not only is that morally wrong – it is coercive, because it compromises the moral integrity of any and all American taxpayers who might hold the killing of preborn children a great wrong.

But this moral coercion is at the heart of the abortion movement: In the name of a woman’s “right to choose”, the rest of us are left to stutter in the street without any particular right to act on our moral convictions. Oh we can still hold signs and write letters; but those days are probably numbered as the Abortion Lobby seeks to use government power to achieve compliance with their deadly agenda.

What of the Mexican doctors who know killing an innocent human being is wrong? Too bad. Or perhaps not so bad … because for the Abortion Lobby to even lend that token consideration, it would have to acknowledge the moral reality of Others. What of the father who wants to see his child receive the gift God has bestowed? That could be a bit sad, depending on the worthiness of the father. And so the list goes: siblings, cousins, grandparents all stripped of any choice as to whether their brother or granddaughter will be allowed to live.

For the time being, we can at least rejoice in the fact that the Mexican is so far resisting this outrage from Amnesty International.

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