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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama Hits Sour Note With Abortion Exports

The Gallup Organization just released a national poll which looks at seven of President Obama’s biggest actions since taking office two weeks ago.

Not surprisingly, Americans gave Obama big approval ratings for seeking peace in the Middle East and tightening ethical standards for administration officials (76%). The notion of more efficient cars seemed like a good idea to most.

Obama received strong negative reviews for purportedly closing Guantanamo Bay’s terrorist prison.

But of the 7 specific policy initiatives tested, the strongest disapproval came on the question of “allowing funding for overseas family planning groups that provide abortions.” Only 35% of Americans approved of this measure, while 58% disapproved.

These numbers not only confirm the basic pro-Life orientation of America – they raise questions about how responsive our government is to the desires and values of the real folks out here. Certainly President Obama is aware of how far out his abortion policies are from the values of America; but his policies in this area are driven by a deep ideological commitment that is unlikely to be shaken except by spiritual intervention.

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