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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Idaho Legislators Threatened Yet Again

Idaho Legislators were given yet another ultimatum by the Abortion Lobby on Tuesday: Defeat HB 464 or we will sue and extract hundreds of thousands of dollars to further fund our agenda! The letter from the Northwest Women’s Law Center, based in Seattle, was at least the third such threat leveled at lawmakers around the anti-Coercion bill now pending in the House.
Oddly enough, all of these threats were made in the name of "protecting women".

The dysfunction of our federal judicial system, particularly in Idaho and the 9th Circuit, has now enabled the Abortion Lobby to set public policy via extortion.

The two year effort to provide protections for women wanting to give their babies life has been frustrating – but it is not without fruit. We have confirmed many of our worst fears about the Abortion Industry and their allies (the ACLU, Women’s Network and outfits like the Northwest Women’s Law Center). The public has gained an opportunity to see the true agenda of the Abortion Lobby, which has almost nothing to do with women – but everything to do with protecting the bottom line of abortion providers.

Here is an excerpt from the NWLC letter to Idaho Legislators:

"House Bill 464 does nothing to help pregnant abused women and girls, and places an unconstitutional burden on all women – including victims of domestic violence and rape – who decide to seek abortion."

Let’s see. HB464 would protect a woman’s constitutional right to choose Life. But, according to these "advocates of women", such protection is actually a burden on her right to choose. Strange. In fact, the only way one can make sense of this bizarre argument is to realize that what they fear is not a burden on women, actual human beings, but a burden upon the abortion providers. In their world, "women’s rights" have become synonymous with "the abortion industry’s right to make money".
And what if abortionists are actually obligated to ask these women and girls if they are suffering from coercion?

If HB464 works as we hope, the number of women getting abortions will decline because the new law will help discourage coercion. Those women will be spared the horrors of an abortion history and a new and precious life will come into the world.

Great hope remains that Idaho legislators will turn back this sordid extortion campaign and rise to the defense of women and girls vulnerable to coercion. Please pray for these legislators – and take a moment to call them.

In the Boise area, you can leave a message for your legislators by calling 332-1000. Outside the Treasure Valley, use the toll-free number: 1-800-626-0471.


Blogger Jay said...

Why are you such a lying sack of crap, David?

Everyone knows exactly why you support HB464, why don't you just come out and say it?

Oh, and I think the onus is on you to provide the basis for your argument about a "bottom line". Do the words "not for profit" mean anything to you or are you just willfully ignorant?

3/12/2008 11:31:00 AM  

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