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Friday, February 01, 2008

Update on Kansas Abortion Wars: Tiller Ignores Judge's Order

Despite being ordered by Judge Paul Buchanan to provide medical records on late term abortions by noon yesterday, Dr. George Tiller refused to comply without public comment. The judge’s order to produce records is central to a grand jury’s investigation into Tiller’s operations.

Judge Paul Buchanan responded by setting a hearing for this morning. One can only hope he intends to deliver a contempt order to Dr. Tiller.

Tiller’s lawyers are pinning their hopes on an emergency appeal of the judge’s order with the Kansas Supreme Court. This was the same strategy used by Planned Parenthood during their long battle with former Attorney General Phill Kline over medical records. Eventually the high court upheld Kline’s right to seek the redacted records, which in turn has led to the filing of over 100 criminal charges against Planned Parenthood of Kansas. (That trial is now underway).

Tiller is receiving legal aid from the national Center for Reproductive Rights – an organization with which we have wrestled in Idaho courts.

If the courts force delivery of thousands of abortion records, the consequences could be enormous for America’s abortion industry. Tiller is undoubtedly the most infamous abortionist in the country, specializing in killing late-term babies. Kansans for Life believes that more than 90% of Tiller’s work is done on babies from outside Kansas, which alone makes this a national case.

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