John McCain & George Soros?

One hates to get in the way of the Republican Party’s public relations effort to persuade social conservatives that John McCain is a good investment – but troubling facts keep bubbling to the fore.
One of the most disturbing is a story relating John McCain’s long association with George Soros. You can see it for yourself by clicking on the article at WorldNetDaily:
For those unfamiliar with George Soros – let’s just cut to the chase and label him the premier financier of just about everything evil and socialist in America. He is funds, a militant anti-military organization which also seeks to advance a radical social agenda for America. He is the man who just declared that he was hoping America’s economy would collapse so that power would shift to third world countries like Mexico. And those are just the things that just casually come to mind.
According to the investigation at WorldNetDaily, Soros is funding something called the Reform Institute, based in Alexandria. "McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections," says the article.
For example, McCain’s current campaign manager, Rick Davis, was paid $110,000 a year by the institute until he became its president in 2004; then his salary increased to $120,000.
Despite the nefarious funding from George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry, as well as a dubious donation of $200,000 from Cablevision at the time McCain was advancing their legislative agenda at the Federal Communications Commission – the Reform Institute has backed McCain’s efforts at campaign finance reform and amnesty for illegal aliens.
The WorldNetDaily expose also notes that McCain’s institute has received generous contributions from pro-abortion groups like the Tides Foundation and the Educational Foundation of America.
Not only does this article raise serious questions about McCain’s claim to being a "conservative" – one wonders about the grand hypocrisy of the man who has battled fiercely to shut down the voices of average Americans by further criminalizing political speech.
Honestly: What in the world is a "pro-Life conservative" doing in bed with these people? The spin masters at the RNC ought to get on this little problem ... immediately.
You pathetic excuse for a human.
Please tell me what "evil" has been perpetrated by George Soros or Tereza Heinz Kerry other than their massive philanthropy and some politics you don't happen to agree with?
Take your hate out of Idaho, please, you're scaring the fish.
Hrmmm ...
A person writes an op-ed piece in which they lay out a relational series and opine that they don't like it ...
Jay comes along and starts his response, "You pathetic excuse for a human."
Jay then suggests that the author of the piece, the points of which Jay does not bother to address, should stop hating ...
Conclusion?? Either I hit a worm hole and am now in a galaxy where words don't mean what they mean back home or Jay is a tad confused as to the meaning of hate and who is practicing it.
Not that I expect him to get it ...
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