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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Today is National Sanctity of Human Life Day

President Bush has proclaimed Sunday “National Sanctity of Human Life Day” in order to recognize the inherent dignity of each life.

In his official act, the president wrote:

“America was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness….I have signed legislation to help protect life at all stages, and my Administration will continue to encourage adoption, fund abstinence education and crisis pregnancy programs….Our nation has made progress in its efforts to protect human life, and we will strive to change hearts and minds with compassion and decency.”

As part of the national effort to mark the devastating anniversary of the Supreme Court’s imposition of legalized abortion on this nation, pro-Lifers gathered to pray, to preach, to mourn and celebrate.

Boise’s March for Life featured Ms. Brandi Swindell, Director of Stanton HealthCare. She talked about her early experiences with a friend’s abortion – and how that activated her faith to work against abortion.

The Boise crowd also heard from Kelly – a young woman who was brutally coerced into aborting her child just a couple years ago.

Vulnerable women like her need protection and help in reaching a decision about their baby’s life free of abuse and coercion.

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