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Monday, January 14, 2008

Further Evidence of Damage Done by

As a new legislative battle looms over the “Comprehensive Sex Ed” dogma, another study appears from England showing that such efforts are extraordinarily damaging to young people.
Despite a greatly expanded government program to provide sex education and birth control to young children in that nation – or perhaps because of it – the rate of Chlamydia infection has hit epidemic proportions. It is estimated that 1 in 10 children in that country are infected with the disease. This report follows an earlier one showing that teen pregnancy is also up.

“These figures are astounding, and show that we need to focus more on discouraging young teenagers from having intercourse too early. No only is underage sex illegal, it is unhealthy and dangerous…,” says Dr. Trevor Stammers, a London physician quoted in a story appearing on WorldNetDaily. (01.12.08).

But don’t expect such facts to discourage champions of the “Condom Gospel” ensconced in the Idaho Legislature. Just 3 years ago, the Idaho Senate passed legislation giving Planned Parenthood $15 million in additional state money to pay for more condoms and birth control pills for children. It was only a pitched battle in the Idaho House which stopped this attack on Idaho’s kids.

Look for Republicans like John Andreason, Chuck Coiner and Shawn Keogh to once again lead efforts this session to expand public subsidies for Planned Parenthood – an action which will place our children at even greater risk.

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