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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Clinton Victory in NH Exposes Abortion Lobby Divisions

There is a rather important backroom story to Clinton’s narrow win in New Hampshire last night. As polls predicted a devastating second defeat for Hillary Clinton, her campaign sent out a mass mailer to pro-abortion women in New Hampshire, hoping to rally last minute support. She sought to make her case that she has spent a life time fighting for the “right” to kill one’s children at any time in the pregnancy. Clinton argued that her opponent, Barak Obama, was not as reliable.

The Obama Campaign responded immediately by using a Planned Parenthood board member in New England to defend his commitment to equal-opportunity killing of the innocent.

I had incorrectly assumed that Clinton was endorsed by the Abortion Lobby. Further research, however, indicated a potentially important split within the abortion movement – one that may be explained by generational differences.

Planned Parenthood’s PAC, for instance, has made no endorsement, arguing that all three of the Democrat candidates are acceptable.

NARAL takes much the same view. In fact, this organization actually issued a statement defending Obama’s abortion record following the Clinton mailing.

Frankly, this is pretty curious – and a dynamic Hillary must find especially frustrating. She and husband Bill have done untold damage to the families and children of America through their life-long obsession with abortion-on-demand. Bill’s first act as President was to lift the ban on American tax money being used overseas to pay for abortions. And one of his last was to jam the legalization of RU-486.

Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by EMILY’s LIST and the National Women’s Political Caucus. Both groups take a traditional feminist view that prefers female advocates of abortion killing over males.

Planned Parenthood and NARAL prefer to await the Democrat nomination process, probably secure in the knowledge that they can trust either Obama or Clinton to expand taxpayer funding of their killing factories. Why waste resources paying old debts?

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