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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Abortionist Remarks Demonstrate Condescending Attitude Toward Women

It takes a certain arrogance to defy the culture and fundamental moral precepts like, "Thou Shall Not Kill". Such arrogance may best explain the stunning public remarks of Dr. Alberto Hodari to a group of students at Wayne State University last fall.

During the speech, Hodari discusses his abortion practice and the Detroit area abortionist laughingly tells his audience:

"My wife says we doctors have a license to lie, and it’s true. It’s absolutely true. Sometimes you need to lie to a patient about things they want to do or no."

His remarks have sparked controversy since a video tape was released last week by "Students for Life of America".

Over the long history of legalized abortion, thousands of women have reported that they were misled or manipulated by various players in the Abortion Industry into killing their baby. Lies like, "It is just a collection of cells" or "It is not really a baby" or "It will just take a few minutes and then your life will go back to normal" have been used to help pressure women and girls into disposing of their children.

This "just lay down and shut up" attitude seems all too common in the Abortion Industry – and denotes the lack of respect many seem to have toward women and girls in crisis.

And why is this guy even on campus in the first place?

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