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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stunning: Pro-Abort Kansas AG Set to Resign

Republican-turned-Democrat Paul Morrison told Kansans late last week that he would resign his post as Attorney General at the end of January. His declaration comes just days after a sex scandal became public.

Just a decade or so back – such an action would have been considered mandatory by elected officials caught in sexual scandal, if only as a kind sop to traditional values. But since Bill Clinton, the bar has been lowered to the point where it is darn hard to find wood from dirt. One must suspect, therefore, that Morrison is not so much embarrassed by the sexual harassment allegations, as he is worried by charges that he used sex and emotional blackmail to convince his lover to abscond with documents and insider information from Phill Kline’s office.

That is a potentially serious criminal matter.

Can you imagine Morrison’s discomfort now that his future is in the hands of Phill Kline? For many years Morrison has treated Kline with contempt, and he must be mortified that Kline has now appointed a special prosecutor to investigate potential tampering by Morrison.

We are personally confident, however, that Morrison can expect only professional conduct from Phill Kline. Based upon our interactions with him, it is clear that Kline will not abuse his office for personal retribution – but he will no doubt seek justice.

Meanwhile, pro-abort Governor Kathleen Sebelius has indicated she has started interviewing candidates. Press reports from Kansas suggest she will try and name a successor to Morrison by mid-January.

Given the fact that she is a personal beneficiary of George Tiller’s abortion empire in Kansas, there is no chance that she will appoint anyone who is not sold-out to the Abortion Lobby. Thus the interference with Phill Kline’s work will likely continue, if on a more subtle basis.

It is difficult not to see God’s hand in all of this, specifically a vindication of Phill Kline.
The need for prayer continues.

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