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Monday, December 03, 2007

Kansas Abortion War Expands

The Kansas City Star is reporting that another grand jury may be convened to investigate Planned Parenthood. This is a separate proceeding from the criminal charges they already face as a result of the efforts by Johnson County Prosecutor Phill Kline.

Attorneys from Planned Parenthood went to court last week, demanding that Judge Kevin Moriarty stop the grand jury from investigating additional criminal issues surrounding Planned Parenthood’s abortion operation in Kansas. He refused to do so. Judge Moriarty did, however, delay the seating of the grand jury until December 10th so that Planned Parenthood could pursue appeals.

The paper reports that they intend to do so – following the same path taken earlier by their compatriot, George Tiller.

This latest action is the fourth distinct legal action against the abortion industry in Kansas.
George Tiller faces criminal charges, as well as an additional grand jury investigation. The same is true for Planned Parenthood.

This phenomenal state of affairs is unprecedented in the history of America’s abortion industry – and all is the result of groundwork laid by Phill Kline. Developments in Kansas will have national implications.

We seek your prayers on behalf of Phill Kline and the attorneys working with him.

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