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Monday, November 26, 2007

Media Tries to Trivialize Pro-Life Movement

The Idaho Statesman carried a headline in its paper on Saturday, “Abortion Foes Promote ‘Personhood’ for Eggs”. Talk about your “unbiased” media.

A casual reader could only be confirmed in the suspicion that the pro-Life movement is composed of irrational “egg worshipers” – perhaps a secret cult within a cult. Imagine going to the supermarket and buying a carton of eggs to bring home for family worship. How silly of us. (Sometimes it seems that the abortion crowd really does understand us this way).

Instead, the substance behind the headline concerns a singularly important question: Just Who Is Entitled to Equality Under the Law? Or, in this case, which subset(s) of homo sapien will have any legal recognition at all.

The Statesman article is a reprint out of the LA Times purporting to cover developments in Colorado. Pro-Lifers there are waging battle to amend the state’s constitution in order to establish that human life begins at conception. If they succeed, the citizens of Colorado will present the U.S. Supreme Court with an unprecedented challenge. But members of the media are working hard to ensure that campaign fails.

Take this fascinatingly stupid sentence: “The campaign to grant ‘personhood’ to fertilized eggs, giving them the same legal status as human beings, comes as the nation in December marks the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade ….”

Please note that the author does clarify that we are not actually talking about eggs from the supermarket – but ‘fertilized eggs’. And secondly, observe that the author presumes we all understand these odd creatures to be something other than ‘human beings’. I wonder how that “factoid” became so established as to make it unnecessary for the reporter to even bother putting forth a logical argument or scientific fact to support his bias.

And we are the “irrational” ones?

The simple and incontrovertible truth is that human life does begin at conception. In all of human history, there has never been a single human being whose life did not begin in exactly the same way. That means billions of hard data points on our side of the debate – and exactly none on theirs. Furthermore, it is a plain scientific fact that fertilized eggs are human; they belong to no other species.

To read the learned comments of folks at the Statesman or LA Times, one would have to believe, as an article of political and social faith, that non-human eggs somehow transform themselves, by an unknown and magical force, into human beings at some later date: Utter gibberish by another name.

Perhaps it is the abortion crowd that has spent too much time around the moonshine still.

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