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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Huge Abortion Mill Opens Today

The Chicago Tribune says that Planned Parenthood has been granted a permit to open its abortion mill in Aurora. The $7.5 million, 22,000 square foot abortuary will be one of the largest killing centers in the nation.

Aurora City officials announced Monday that they had found no state or local laws violated by Planned Parenthood – despite the fact that Planned Parenthood successfully deceived city officials about Planned Parenthood’s role in, and plans for, the facility.

Mayor Tom Weisner said the city had no legal basis for denying an occupancy permit:

“As elected officials, we are sworn to uphold the law regardless of our personal, emotional or even religious beliefs.”

The Tribune says that local pro-Lifers will continue to battle the abortuary through large scale protests, and even legal action. The Pro-Life Action League intends to file a lawsuit, arguing that Planned Parenthood needs a special-use permit in order to conduct abortion operations at the “medical clinic”.

In a demonstration of the newspaper’s ignorance, the article includes the following startling sentence:

Reciting the Lord’s prayer, Chicago area protesters carried signs likening abortion procedures to murder….”

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