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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Tale of Two Polls

CBS News – that bulwark of the Left – has issued a poll showing Rudy Giuliani retains a lead among GOP voters despite the entry of Fred Thompson. They claim he is backed by 27% of Republican Primary voters. They put Thompson at 22%.

Behind Thompson is John McCain at 18% and Mitt Romney fairly stagnant at 14%.

This is in contrast to another poll, done almost simultaneously, by Rasmussen. He shows Thompson leading the race at 26%, with Giuliani trailing at 22%. Romney’s support parallels the CBS numbers.

What is interesting about these contrasting numbers is the suspicion that CBS is actually trying to prop-up the pro-abort Giuliani. In a detailed memo put on their website yesterday, CBS explores the apparent softening of Giuliani’s support among Republican primary voters. The outlet suggests that Rudy might face growing problems because of his limited government experience.

CBS then goes on to argue that, while the poll found almost half of Giuliani supporters believed he was “pro-Life”, his pro-choice politics may prove to be his “secret weapon” before the smoke clears:

“However, even if more Republicans become aware of his position on abortion,
Giuliani may still win the nomination. By a 2-to-1 margin, Republican
primary voters said they could vote for a less conservative candidate if they
believed that candidate would win in a general election, where Giuliani’s
moderate views on social issues could allow him to win support from independent

This little paragraph of “analysis” is loaded with sleight-of-hand.

First of all, the poll tested the question of “conservative” as opposed to specifying a pro-choice candidate. Thus they deceived not just people answering the questions – but are trying to use this “poll” to create public opinion. That can be seen most clearly in their closing assumption that independent voters are “socially liberally”.

Returns from the last two presidential elections, as well as more honest polling data, demonstrate that “Independent” voters are fairly conservative in their social values – especially on the question of abortion.

Wish as they might, manipulate as they will – CBS is very unlikely to succeed in its campaign to transform the Republican Party into a liberal bastion on the issues that matter most.

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